- 地下一樓:接待處、更衣區、廁所、大通鋪、放映廳、交誼廳、上網區、淋浴區、蒸氣室、三溫暖區、烤箱、一般房間
- 地址:高雄市建國二路295號B1
- 電話:+886-7-2368798
- 票價:NT$350/16hr、學生軍警NT$250/16hr、週一至週五下午入場NT$200/16hr、週三晚上六點至午夜小毛巾活動NT$150/16hr
- 限制:需滿18歲
- 高雄捷運:在捷運紅線高雄車站下車,出前站後往左邊前進,再跟著地圖前往
- 公車客運:在高雄車站週邊的站牌下車,再跟著地圖前往
- 台灣鐵路:在高雄車站下車,出前站後往左邊前進,再跟著地圖前往
- 台灣高鐵:在左營高鐵轉乘高雄捷運搭乘至捷運紅線高雄車站
- 國內外飛機:在高雄國際機場轉乘高雄捷運搭乘至捷運紅線高雄車站
- 高速公路:在中山高速公路的中正交流道下車,延著路標進入高雄市,在中山路與中正路的十字路口右轉,路的盡頭就是高雄車站,再跟著地圖前往
The former of GHP Sauna is the famous Empire Sauna in Kaohsiung City, and the original location was on Chungshan Rd. close to Kaohsiung Metro "Formosa Boulevard Station(O5R10)". It moved to the Kaohsiung Main Station for a grand opening, the first name they use in Chinese means "Happy Sauna," but they didn't make it work while the Station Sauna around and another competitor 101 Sauna. It changed the name twice till today and it's finally settled.
With it's various activities and low price as promotion, the clients of GHP are mostly students and soldiers of young age. Compare to others, altought GHP has less floor dimension and clients, the low price would make it in to be one of your consideration of resting.
- B1:Reception, Dress Room, Bathroom, Single Room, Multiple Room, Theater Zone, Cyber Zone, Shower, Steam Room, Hot/Cold Pool
- Address: No. 226, Nan-Hwa Rd. Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C
- Tel: 886-7-2368798
- Entrance: NT$350/16hr, NT$250/16hr for soldiers and students, NT$200/16hr for entering within Mon to Fri 12:00-19:00, NT$150/16hr for entering within Wed 18:00-24:00 for nude event
- Limitation: Age under 18 is NOT allowed
How to get here
- By Kaohsiung Metro: get off at Kaohsiung Metro "Kaohsiung Main Station (R11)" and follow the map
- By Bus: find Bus Stop close to "Kaohsiung Railway Station" and follow the map
- By Taiwan Railway: get off at Kaohsiung Railway Station from the front entrance, moving toward left side and follow the map.
- By Taiwan High Speed Rail: get off at "Zuoying Station" and make a transit with Kaohsiung Metro or Taiwan Railway to the "Kaohsiung Main Station", follow the map after arriving
- Along the Highway: get off at the Chung-Cheng interchange of Chung-Shan Highway, follow the direction into Kaohsiung City. Make a right turn while at the cross road of Chung-Shan Rd. and Chung-Cheng Rd., at the end of Road is the Kaohsiung Railway Station. And just follow the map.
- By Air Travel: get off at Kaohsiung International Airport and make a transit with Kaohsiung Metro to the "Kaohsiung Main Station", follow the map after arriving
快樂會館 三溫暖 - 四海之內皆同志
回覆刪除是真的嗎? 如果"人不多"就表示生意不好 "人不多" 去玩也沒什麼意思! 其實不一定要地方大才好玩 要有定期新活動才會吸引顧客 可以自己辦活動 不必配合其他機構(說不定 你的客人有這份人才 可以免費幾次浴卷來交換條件呀)
老闆大蓋不是gay吧 應該問問客人的需求 投其所需最重要(當然要顧慮自己生意的利潤)有很東奔西跑走片大江南北海內外的同志朋友可以提供很多花小錢得大效果的意見
多跟大家聊聊不會被傳染愛滋或性病的 反而有助生意 不過看來男雨沒什麼空間辦活動 只適搞一些老套 調調人 打打炮 噯~
好心熱情的葛格底迪姐姐妹妹們寫些建議給老闆吧 這樣大家以後會玩得更開心
回覆刪除請問還有在營業嗎?? 還是倒了..
回覆刪除倒了= =找兩間倒兩間...
回覆刪除請問 現在高雄還有營業的同志三溫暖剩下哪幾間??