- 地址:高雄市苓雅區三多四路21號17F
- 電話:(07)331-3102
- 營業:10:30-22:30
- 高雄捷運:在捷運紅線三多商圈站下車,從一號出口進入大遠百,搭電梯至17樓
- 公車客運:在大遠百百貨或捷運三多商圈站下車,進入大遠百搭電梯至17樓
- 台灣鐵路:在高雄車站下車,轉乘高雄捷運至捷運紅線三多商圈站
- 台灣高鐵:在左營高鐵轉乘高雄捷運搭乘至捷運紅線三多商圈站
- 國內外飛機:在高雄國際機場轉乘高雄捷運搭乘至捷運紅線三多商圈站
- 高速公路:在中山高速公路的三多路出口進入高雄,向西前進即可到達三多商圈
Eslite Bookstore stands the largest scale bookstore in Taiwan. With it's new commerce style, bookstores have became more chic, cultural, and artistic. The Eslite Bookstore DunNan Branch has made a through to open 24hrs non-stop that burst out into a popular night life in Taipei.
Eslite Bookstore FE'21 Mega, an big shopping square on 17th floor in FE'21 Mega, is the main spot in Kaohsiung. Besides the bookstore itself, the shopping square contains music store, food and drinks, and chic brands inside, even an outdoor skydeck. The bookstore holds reading activities monthly that leveled the bookstore up into an cultural spot.
The artistic style of Eslite attracts gay who oftenly emphasise on culture, thus making it the hottest gay attractions nowadays.
- Add:17F., No.21, Sanduo 4th Rd., Lingya District, Kaohsiung City 802, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
- Tel:(07)331-3102
- Open:10:30-22:30
How To Get Here
- By Kaohsiung Metro: get off at Kaohsiung Metro "Sanduo Shopping District Station (R8)" Exit 1 into FE'21 Mega, will arrive after taking the elevator to 17th floor
- By Bus: find Bus Stop close to "Sanduo Shopping District" or "FE'21 Mega Department Store"
- By Taiwan Railway: get off at Kaohsiung Railway Station from the Main entrance, make a transit with Kaohsiung Metro Red Line to "Sanduo Shopping District Station (R8)"
- By Taiwan High Speed Rail: get off at "Zuoying Station" and make a transit with Kaohsiung Metro Red Line to "Sanduo Shopping District Station (R8)"
- By Air Travel: get off at Kaohsiung International Airport and make a transit with Kaohsiung Metro Red Line to "Sanduo Shopping District Station (R8)"
- Along the Highway: get off at the San-Duo interchange of Chung-Shan Highway, follow the direction West into Kaohsiung City. Will be soon arrive Sanduo Shopping District