- 四樓多功能有氧教室:壁球場、拳擊練習區、柔道館、有氧教室、飛輪教室
- 三樓專業重量訓練區:初階、中階、進階重訓區、私人教練區、環場跑道
- 二樓複合心肺訓練區:籃球場、桌球場、撞球場、跑步、階梯、腳踏車等
- 一樓休閒娛樂中心:大廳、休息區、游泳池、攀岩場、果汁吧、更衣室、商店區
- 地址:高雄市左營區博愛三路102號
- 電話:886-7-3453838
- 費用:會員月費或會員年費制
- 高雄捷運:在捷運紅線生態園區站下車,再跟著地圖前往
- 公車客運:在博愛路、新莊路口週邊的站牌下車,再跟著地圖前往
- 台灣鐵路:在新左營站下車,轉乘高雄捷運至捷運紅線生態園區站下車,再跟著地圖前往
- 台灣高鐵:在左營高鐵轉乘高雄捷運搭乘至捷運紅線生態園區站,再跟著地圖前往
- 國內外飛機:在高雄國際機場轉乘高雄捷運搭乘至捷運紅線生態園區站
- 高速公路:在國道十號的大中交流道下車,沿著路標往南進入高雄市,再跟著地圖前往
Fitness Factory in Kaohsiung has opened since 2006. This fitness club is located at the brand new metropolitan area in northern Kaohsiung next to the Hanshin Arena. Within the Kaohsiung Metro "Kaohsiung Arena Station(R14)" and "Ecological District Station(R15)", it takes a great advantage for the residents. The floor dimension of this building is up to almost 9920 m^2 that makes it the biggest fitness club in Kaohsiung.
Fitness Factory has cooperated with Kaohsiung Metro of setting their new top level fitness center with almost 20000 m^2 floor dimension which contains outdoor golf course and tennis court at "Caoya Staion(R4A)."
Besides, a new branch at crossroad of Chiuju Rd. and Mintsu Rd. is ready to open in July 2008 as well.
- 4th Floor Aerobic Classroom: Squash, Boxing, Judo, Aerobic
- 3rd Floor Weight Training Zone: Weight Training Zone, Personal Trainers, Runway
- 2nd Floor Sports Center: Basketball, Table Tennis, Billiards, Jog, Bikes
- 1st Floor Entertainment Center: Reception, Lounge, Stores, Swimming Pool, Climbing, Juice Bar, Dress Room
- Address: No. 102, Boai 3rd Rd., Zuoying District, Kaohsiung City 813, Taiwan, R.O.C
- Tel: +886-7-3453838
- Entrance: Monthly Member or Annual Member
How to get here
- By Kaohsiung Metro: get off at Kaohsiung Metro "Ecological District Station(R15)" and follow the map
- By Bus: find Bus Stop close to the crossroad of Boai Rd. and Hsinchuangtzu Rd., follow the map after arriving
- By Taiwan Railway: get off at "New Zuoying Railway Station" and make a transit with Kaohsiung Metro to the "Ecological District Station(R15)", follow the map after arriving.
- By Taiwan High Speed Rail: get off at "Zuoying Station" and make a transit with Kaohsiung Metro to the "Ecological District Station(R15)", and follow the map after arriving
- Along the Highway: get off at the Ta-Chung interchange of Highway #10, follow the direction south into Kaohsiung City. And just follow the map.
- By Air Travel: get off at Kaohsiung International Airport and make a transit with Kaohsiung Metro to the "Ecological District Station(R15)", follow the map after arriving.
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