高雄市區的公車業者仍以高雄市政府主導的高雄市公車為最大業者,其次為東南客運與南台灣客運等民營業者,高雄地區的大多數景點都有公車路線可到達,公車上已安裝GPS系統,可利用網路或電話查詢公車位置與計算到站時間。 目前有營運捷運接駁公車,而公車捷運相互轉乘也有優惠折扣。有多條觀光免費公車可供選擇,至2008.09.14間每逢週四全線公車免費。- 票價:單程NT$12,多段計費則以倍數成長,此票價也是全台灣最低的公車票價。
- 營運:尖峰時段約10~15/min一班車,離峰時段可達30/min以上一班車。
- 付費:零錢(不找零)、學生月票、敬老票、Taiwan Money 卡*、一卡通 I Pass*
- 連結:高雄市公車、東南客運、南台灣客運
高雄地區的中程客運系統以高雄客運、中南客運以及屏東客運為主要系統,高雄客運的營運路線包括高雄縣市、台南縣市以及屏東縣市。中南客運的服務範圍也以高雄縣市、屏東縣市為主。屏東客運的營運路線雖以屏東縣市為主,但同時也經營高雄至墾丁的熱門路線。- 票價:依各客運業者與路線而定
- 營運:依各客運業者與路線而定
- 付費:臨櫃購票、零錢、Taiwan Money 卡*、一卡通 I Pass*
- 連結:高雄客運、中南客運、屏東客運
高雄地區聯外的長途客運業者多元,各主要客運業者皆有經營,主要乘車處以高雄車站前密度最高,其次為交流道周邊、機場、高鐵、楠梓區,可到達地點以台灣西部幹線與東南路線為主。- 票價:依各客運業者與路線而定
- 營運:依各客運業者與路線而定
- 付費:臨櫃購票、電話網路購票、Taiwan Money 卡(部份路線)*、一卡通 I Pass (部份路線)*
- 連結:國光客運、統聯客運、阿囉哈客運、和欣客運

- 票價:NT$20~NT$60
- 營運:6~10/min一班車;06:00~23:00、另有深夜列車
- 付費:單程票、Taiwan Money 卡(部份路線)*、一卡通 I Pass (部份路線)*
- 連結:高雄捷運公司


台灣地區最新興的長途鐵路運輸系統為「台灣高鐵」,最高以時速 300km/hr 的速度行進,成為目前台灣地區西部城市長途運輸的最熱門選擇。台灣高鐵在高雄縣市擁有一座車站「左營」,原計畫高雄車站新站也將成為高鐵車站,但因種種問題最終取消計畫。 台灣高鐵目前實施票價折扣,平日搭乘與自由座擁有較高的票價優惠。
- 票價:一般票價NT$40~NT$1490、商務票價NT$205~NT$1950;平常日票價八折、自由座七折、優待票五折
- 營運:6~30/min一班車;06:30~23:30
- 付費:臨櫃購票、網路購票、電話訂票
- 連結:台灣高鐵
高雄國際航空站位於高雄市南區,有國內線與國際線航廈可選擇,國內線以高雄-台北航線為主,其次為離島與東部,由五家航空公司營運。機場聯外交通有公車、短程客運、捷運。- 票價:北高航線約NT$1400、實際金額依各航空公司與路線而訂
- 營運:15~120/min一班;06:30~21:30
- 付費:臨櫃購票、網路購票
- 連結:高雄國際航空站、立榮航空、復興航空、華信航空、德安航空
屬於高雄國際航空站國際線,國際線的選擇多元,共有13家航空業者聯營,航線以東亞、東北亞、東南亞各大亞洲城市為主,也可轉運桃園機場。- 票價:依各航空公司與路線而訂
- 營運:10~60/min一班;06:30~20:30
- 付費:臨櫃購票、網路購票
- 連結:高雄國際航空站、中華航空、長榮航空、立榮航空、復興航空、日本亞細亞航空、港龍航空、馬來西亞航空、越南航空、澳門航空、華信航空、勝安航空、吳哥航空

- 票價:依各航運路線而訂
- 營運:依各航運路線而訂
- 付費:零錢(不找零)、臨櫃購票、語音訂票(台華輪)
- 連結:高雄市輪船股份有限公司、台華輪

- 票價:前1.5KM起跳價NT$85、每250M+NT$5,夜間加成20%、行李廂+NT$10
- 營運:隨招隨停、特定地點排班
- 付費:下車付費
- 連結:高雄市政府交通局-計程車
Kaohsiung City is the second biggest city in Taiwan. This city has her own metro system since March 2008. Although the public transportation resource is not as sufficient as Taipei, but she has various of choices already. Such as bus, railway, metro, air, and water transportation.
Public transportation is not the major method that rules Kaohsiung traffic, most citizens choose private transportations as cars still. Besides motorcycles and scooters have pushed Kaohsiung to the highest density in Taiwan. Since the air pollution, high-rising oil price, and global warming have become focused issues, Kaohsiung City Government also concentrating on developing public transportations.
City Bus System
The major city bus company in Kaohsiung is "Kaohsiung City Bus" which is owned by Kaohsiung CIty Government, and other companies are "South East Bus" and "South Taiwan Bus." Major travel attractions in Kaohsiung are covered with city bus route. Most buses are installed with GPS system for passengers to calculate the time for bus arriving or located the position of bus by internet or mobile. At present there are Metro Access Bus available along Kaohsiung Metro Red Line with a price cost down for transferring. Many holiday-free-tour bus can be great choices to travel in the city. For the greenday, each route of city bus is free on every Thursday before 14th Sep, 2008.- Price & Routes : NT$12/section(multiple), which is the lowest bus price in Taiwan.
- Time Table : 10~15/min in rush hour, 30+/min in normal hour(for some routes)
- Pay : Coins (No Change), Students Monthly Ticket, Senior Ticket, Taiwan Money Card*, I Pass*
- Links : Kaohsiung City Bus 、South East Bus 、South Taiwan Bus
Short Term Bus System
(Short term in this introduction means bus routes that cross city to city within 100km.)The companies are "Kaohsiung Bus", "CN Bus", and "PT Bus". The service areas covered with these companies are Kaohsiung, Tainan, and Pingtung in southern Taiwan, including the popular route from Kaohsiung to Kenting.
- Price : Check out in each company's website
- Time Table : Check out in each company's website
- Pay : Ticket at booth, Coins, Taiwan Money Card*, I Pass*
- Links:Kaohsiung Bus 、CN Bus 、PT Bus
Long Term Bus System
(Long term in this introduction means bus routes that cross city to city over 100km.)There are numerous of long term bus services to choose from. Most bus pick-up spot are settled around Kaohsiung Main Station, secondly are areas near highway interchanges, airport, Taiwan High Speed Rail stations. You can take a long term bus to north, west and southeast Taiwan.
- Price & Routes : Check out in each company's website
- Time Table : Check out in each company's website
- Pay : Ticket at booth, Phone Pre-Order, Taiwan Money Card (some routes)*, I Pass (some routes)*
- Links:Kuo-Kuang Motor Transport 、UBus、ALOHA Bus 、Hohsin Bus
Metro System

Kaohsiung Mass Rapid Transit (Kaohsiung Metro) System Red Line from south to north officially ran since March, 2008. And the Orange Line is ready to run in August 2008 as well, these two lines make a cross network through Kaohsiung. 3 Taiwan Railway Stations, 1 Taiwan High Speed Rail Station, and 1 International Airport are connected through Kaohsiung Metro System, and all popular business area. Art in Kaohsiung Metro has made an focus, designers and architects had gathered to make Kaohsiung Metro combine functional and artistic. Projects of extension routes and Circulating Light Rail had been planned for the near future.
- Price & Routes : NT$20~NT$60
- Time Table : 6~10/min, 06:00~23:00 (Late Night Ride in testing)
- Pay : One Way Ticket, One Day Pass, Taiwan Money Card*, I Pass*
- Links:Kaohsiung Rapid Transit Corporation
Railway System
There's only one railway company in Taiwan, the "Taiwan Railway." 13 stations are settled in Kaohsiung, the main station is "Kaohsiung Railway Station (aka Kaohsiung Main Station)" which is the biggest railway station in southern Taiwan. Meanwhile it is the start of South Circulating Railway Route. After the "Underground Railway Project" completed, Kaohsiung Railway Station will become a multi-funtion station constructed with Kaohsiung Metro and Bus System. Another new spot station is New Zuoying Station which combined with Taiwan High Speed Rail and Kaohsiung Metro that makes it the best transfer center at present. Other stations are mostly for commuting in short distance, it makes it a good choice but there's an issue of its serious delay situation.- Price & Routes : NT$15+, depends on distance
- Time Table : 10~25/min, 05:00~01:00
- Pay : Ticket at booth, Internet Pre-Order
- Links : Taiwan Railway Administration
High Speed Rail System
Running with speed 300km/hr, Taiwan has her first High Speed Railway Route through west part of Taiwan which is the most popular long term travel system now. Zuoying Station is the only Taiwan High Speed Rail station in Kaohsiung, different from the original-canceled plan of extension to Kaohsiung Main Station, Zuoying has taken a place in Kaohsiung Traffic System. At present time there is price cost down from every Monday to Thursday or Non-Reserved Seats.- Price & Routes : NT$40~NT$1490/Normal, NT$250~NT$1950/Business, 20% off from Mon - Thu, 70% off for Non-Reserved Seats, 50% off for Children/Senior/Disabled.
- Time Table : 10~25/min, 05:00~01:00
- Pay : Ticket at booth, Internet Pre-Order, Phone Pre-Order
- Links : Taiwan High Speed Rail
Domestic Airline
Kaohsiung International Airport is located at southern Kaohsiung City. Domestic terminal provides major flights of Kaohsiung to Taipei, secondly are flights to outlying islands such as Penghu. There are 5 domestic airline services available. Transferring to airport is easy with Kaohsiung Metro, city bus, short term bus, and highway.- Price & Routes : NT$1400/Kaohsiung-Taipei, check out full fare at website
- Time Table : 15~120/min, 06:30~21:30
- Pay : Ticket at booth, Internet Pre-Order
- Links:Kaohsiung Internatioal Airport 、EVA Air 、TransAsia Airways 、Mandarin Airlines 、Daily Air
Oversea Airline

Oversea terminal located next to the domestic terminal in Kaohsiung International Airport. There are 13 airline services to choose from, and the routes include major Asia cities in East Asia, Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia. It also offers passengers transferring to Taoyuan International Airport(former CKS International Airport), the biggest international airport in Taiwan.
- Price & Routes : Check out full fare at website
- Time Table : 10~60/min一班;06:30~20:30
- Pay : Ticket at booth, Internet Pre-Order
- Links:Kaohsiung International Airport 、China Airlines 、EVA Air 、Uni Air 、TransAsia Airways 、Japan Airlines 、Dragon Air 、Malaysia Airlines 、Vietnam Airlines 、Air Macau 、Mandarin Airlines 、Silk Air 、Angkor Airways
Water Transportation

Water transportation in Kaohsiung city devides into tourism lines and transportation lines. The biggest company is "Kaohsiung Haborsteam Ship" which owned by Kaohsiung City Government. The tourism lines majorly spread within Love River, and the transportation lines offer passengers to cross Kaohsiung Harbor to Chijin Island. Kaohsiung is one of the only few cities have water transportation. On the other hand, Taihwa Steamship owned by Taiwan Line provides the route of Kaohsiung-Pingtung, there are other unofficial companies have services to sail around Kaohsiung Harbor.
- Price & Routes : Check out full fare at website
- Time Table : Check out full Time Table at website
- Pay : Coins, Ticket at booth, Voice Pre-Order, Taiwan Money Card (some routes)*, I Pass (some routes)*
- Links:Kaohsiung Harborsteam Ship 、Taihwa Steamship
There are numerous taxi companies in Kaohsiung, and the others are self-owned. Usually the rates counts with distance(km), but some private drivers make static rates for different destinations in some transferring spots such as raiway stations or bus stations.- Price : First 1.5km starts with NT$85, each 250m adds NT$5; Midnight ride +20%, Luggage + NT$10
- Time Table : Anytime/Anywhere
- Pay : Cash at arrival
- Links:Transportation Bureau Kaohsiung City - Taxi Information