- 地址:高雄市博愛一路、同盟一路口東側帶狀公園
- 時間:入夜至清晨
- 族群:各類、各年齡層皆有
- 高雄捷運:在捷運紅線後驛站下車,再跟著地圖前往
- 公車客運:在「愛河之心」週邊的站牌下車,再跟著地圖前往
- 台灣鐵路:在高雄車站下車,轉乘高雄捷運搭乘至捷運紅線後驛站,再跟著地圖前往
- 台灣高鐵:在左營高鐵轉乘高雄捷運搭乘至捷運紅線後驛站,再跟著地圖前往
- 國內外飛機:在高雄國際機場轉乘高雄捷運搭乘至捷運紅線後驛站,再跟著地圖前往
- 高速公路:在中山高速公路的九如交流道下車,沿著路標往西進入高雄市,在博愛路與九如路的十字路口向北走,再跟著地圖前往
Tungmeung Park, a banding riverbank park, is located next to the middle reaches of Love River in Northern Kaohsiung. Gay show up in the park after sunset till sunrise, especially crowded on weekends or holidays. There are many walkways, trails, and seats in the park, but the public lavatory is still the best option for hooking up. Some had chosen to wait in some factories nearby. But, this place has losing its attraction little by little since the Love River riverbank development getting faster than ever.Tungmeung Park is not the origin of Kaohsiung gay. The earliest gay scene starts at lower reaches of west side of Love River, even the location falls in the urban central, but most citizens would not step in the undeveloped Love River riverbank by then. As the speed of Love River development is in rapid, gay migrates to middle or upper reaches of Love River. In results that makes west side of lower reaches of Love River burned out its glowing gay history. However, the development rises it's foot again to chase up the speed for gay switching there places. The major gay spots nowadays are shrinking or spliting.
Part of Tungmeung Park is under reconstruction for the Love River project.
*Once it was announced that there were several violence fraud issues happened in the past years, please keep an eye for safety while entering the park alone.
- Loacation:a banding at east section of crossraod of Boai 1st. Rd. and Tungmeung 1st. Rd.
- Time:Sunset to Sunrise
- Population:Various
How to get here
- By Kaohsiung Metro: get off at Kaohsiung Metro "Houyi Station(R12)" and follow the map
- By Bus: find Bus Stop close to "Heart of Love River", follow the map after arriving
- By Taiwan Railway: get off at "Kaohsiung Railway Station" and make a transit with Kaohsiung Metro to the "Houyi Station(R12)", follow the map after arriving.
- By Taiwan High Speed Rail: get off at "Zuoying Station" and make a transit with Kaohsiung Metro to the "Houyi Station(R12)", and follow the map after arriving
- Along the Highway: get off at the Chiuju interchange of Chung-Shan Highway, follow the direction west into Kaohsiung City. Heading north at the crossroad of Chiuju Rd. and Boai Rd. And just follow the map.
- By Air Travel: get off at Kaohsiung International Airport and make a transit with Kaohsiung Metro to the "Houyi Station(R12)", follow the map after arriving.
台北市萬華區西門內江街,royal spa 是同志三溫暖最佳選擇!
回覆刪除王嘉賓這人間垃圾;王嘉賓1949年生,原為空軍幼校;淘汰後進空軍機校畢業;後轉任公職基層;此人於學習期間;曾偷盜印旁人作業,一起交出,被查穫;也就是說王嘉賓會偷竊,說謊,偷盜來解決自我問題;王嘉賓沒健全人格.下三濫的偷竊行為;摧毀人世間基本道德,使同學不敢幫助旁人(他居然盜印別人作業一起同時交出,明顯違法作弊!並且害人害己!不要臉下三濫!),種人居然還是空軍轉役;可謂國家之恥!王嘉賓1949年生;今年63歲了!難道還這樣無恥會害人?這種人怎能在社會生存?真為社會恥辱! 王嘉賓真是個下三濫的人間敗類!全世界都要注意這種下三濫害人畜牲存在!
刪除There is still some action here at night from 7 pm to 3 am especially in the park alongside the river directly across the Medical University. In the afternoon, from 12-2 there are some guys looking for fun on their lunch breaks.
回覆刪除There is another strip along Love River right under JiouRu Bridge, the riverside and small park across the street have guys at all hours of the day.