三民游泳池因擁有50M x 25M的室外池、露天座椅區、數量充足的淋浴更衣室、位處市中心和便宜的票價而受到歡迎,多數泳客除了游泳外也會做日光浴,但也有不少泳客完全不下水。
- 售票亭、販售區、置物櫃、露天座位、露天泳池(50M x 25M x 1.2~1.8M)、男女廁所、男女行動不便者淋浴間、男女淋浴間
- 地址:高雄市三民區自由一路50號
- 電話:+886-7-3113200
- 營業:05:30~08:30, 13:30~16:30, 19:00~21:00
- 票價:NT$52/成人、NT$27/軍警學生、NT$510/月票
- 高雄捷運:在捷運紅線後驛站下車,出站後沿博愛路北行至熱河街左轉直行至自由路,再跟著地圖前往
- 公車客運:在三民游泳池站牌下車,再跟著地圖前往
- 台灣鐵路:在高雄車站下車,出後站後東行至自由路左轉,再跟著地圖前往
- 台灣高鐵:在左營高鐵轉乘台灣鐵路至高雄車站,出後站後東行至自由路左轉,再跟著地圖前往
- 國內外飛機:在高雄國際機場轉乘高雄捷運搭乘至捷運紅線高雄車站,經由人行天橋至後站東行至自由路左轉,再跟著地圖前往
- 高速公路:在中山高速公路的九如交流道下車,延著路標往西進入高雄市,在自由路右轉後跟著地圖前往
Sanmin Swimming Pool is held by Kaohsiung City Government. In the beginning it was not the most popular gay scene before the Chianjin Swimming Pool in Chungshan Stadium been tore down due to "Central Park Project." And now it's most famous gay swimming pool in Kaohsiung.
Sanmin Swimming Pool is in favor of it's 50M x 25M outdoor pool, seats, convenient shower room, the location and the cheap price. Most swimmers will do sun tanning at the pool side as well, but there are many they never swim.
- Ticket Booth, Vending Booth, Lockers, Outdoor Seats, Outdoor Pool(50M x 25M x 1.2~1.8M), Bathrooms for M/F, Shower Rooms for M/F handicaps, Shower Rooms
- Address: No. 50, Tsuyu 1st. Rd. Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C
- Tel: +886-7-3113200
- Open Hours: 05:30~08:30, 13:30~16:30, 19:00~21:00
- Entrance: NT$52/Adults, NT$27/Students and Soldiers, NT$510/30Days
How to get here
- By Kaohsiung Metro: get off at Kaohsiung Metro "Houyi Station (R12)", walk north along Boai Rd. and make a left turn at Jeho St., till the end make a right turn at Tsuyu Rd. and follow the map
- By Bus: find Bus Stop at "Sanmin Swimming Pool" and follow the map
- By Taiwan Railway: get off at Kaohsiung Railway Station from the back entrance, moving toward east and make a left turn at Tsuyu Rd. and follow the map.
- By Taiwan High Speed Rail: get off at "Zuoying Station" and make a transit with Taiwan Railway to the Kaohsiung Railway Station from the back entrance, moving toward east and make a left turn at Tsuyu Rd. and follow the map.
- By Air Travel: get off at Kaohsiung International Airport and make a transit with Kaohsiung Metro to the "Kaohsiung Main Station." Find the walkway crossing railway to the back staion and moving toward east, make a left turn at Tsuyu Rd. and follow the map.
- Along the Highway: get off at the Chiuju interchange of Chung-Shan Highway, follow the direction west into Kaohsiung City. Make a right turn Tsuyu Rd. and just follow the map.
回覆刪除I'm going there sometimes ! This swimming pool is great !
回覆刪除But I would like to make friends there ! I'm foreigner, but don't be shy !
回覆刪除Julian, do you still reside in Kaohsiung?
回覆刪除I've just moved to Kaohsiung and would like to make some new friends.
Drop me a note if you don't mind: llee9999@gmail.com (two "L"s; not I)