在非同志舞廳 Private Party (PP) 不定期舉行的同志代對 Glow01 由 infoLedge 策畫,自2002年11月起舉辦,每年農曆新年期間的初二回娘家派對成為高雄最熱門的同志年度派對之一。
高雄曾經歷經同志派對衰敗不振的窘境,在前大型同志據點 SPEED 正式拉下鐵門之後,高雄的同志派對沉寂了許久,才因 Glow01 派對重新振作,一舉成為高雄最盛大,目前也是唯一仍活躍中的同志派對。
Glow01 派對舉辦時間分散於年度各季,定期舉辦的主題派對有春節期間初二回娘家、四月與墾丁春吶派對同步的 SpringGlow/南國春光、年末聖誕節前夕的 GlowWhite/雪白聖誕等,另外有數次的音樂/專輯發行派對。
Glow01 派對也多次與高雄當地同志據點、商家及團體合作,如曾與 BodyFormula、Dreamer、男雨會館、10號書坊、壞男情趣以及愛之希望協會等以贊助及異業合作名義共同舉辦派對。
Glow01至2010年4月持續於Private Party(PP)舉辦,於2010年6月起在SPACE(PP原址)舉辦。
- DJ Vertigo
- DJ F*Daniel
- DJ Husky
- DJ Victor Cheng
- DJ Jummy Chen
- DJ Chino
- DJ Mango
Glow01籌畫者有來自最大的同志網路電音族群GayHousE,派隊視覺由infoLedge操刀,VJ也同樣來自infoLedge,以及負責現場舞動演出的Glow Boys。
- 網址:http://glow01.blogspot.com/
- 電話:+886-936-838756
- Facebook:http://www.facebook.com/2gether.Kaohsiung
- YouTube:http://www.youtube.com/Glow01party
- Fridae:http://www.fridae.com/personals/?glow01
- 拓網交友:http://friend.top1069.com/profile.php?ID=120332
- yam天空交友:http://friends.yam.com/personal/personal.aspx?mid=qFlWOEhl

"Glow01" as the biggest party in southern Taiwan holds by infoLedge irregularly pops up at the night in club "Private Party" a.k.a. "PP". Since November 2002 until today, the Chinese New Year Party has became a tradition for party animals heading for celebration.
Gay partys are once experienced the deepest depression in Kaohsiung. The party scene has been silence for few year after the gay landmark "SPEED" closed until the Glow01 rised. It has grown itself to be the largest and the only one gay party in Kaohsiung.
Opening time of Glow01 is not a certain weekday or date, the party walks through each theme of every season. Only the "Chinese New Year Party," "Spring Glow" at spring and "Glow White" for Christmas Eve are annual parties. Excluding the parties above, there are also Album/DVD release party for most of the time.
The Glow01 party has cooperated with Kaohsiung resident gay stores/communities, such as Dreamer Cafe', GHP Sauna, No.10 Bookstore, Bad Boys, LoveHope, BodyFormula and so on.
Glow01 has hold at the site of "Private Party" til Apr, 2010, and it's going to hold on the location "SPACE"(ex PP) since June, 2010.
Resident DJ
- DJ Vertigo
- DJ F*Daniel
Guest DJ
- DJ Husky
- DJ Victor Cheng
- DJ Jummy Chen
- DJ Chino
- DJ Mango
The party promoter of Glow01 are from the origin web community "GayHousE", the visual experience handled by design studio "infoLedge" which is also the GlowVJs coming from. Besides, Glow Boys are dancers for the love performance while the party goes.
The party hours mostly from 22:00 til 05:00, the popular entrancing tiime from 00:00~03:00. Ticket price range from NT$400 ~ NT$700, there are always best discount for early birds for ticket booking on internet. There are also theme discount for fitness members/group/dresscode and so on, it depends.
- WebSite:http://glow01.blogspot.com/
- Tel:+886-936-838756
- Facebook:http://www.facebook.com/2gether.Kaohsiung
- YouTube:http://www.youtube.com/Glow01party
- Fridae:http://www.fridae.com/personals/?glow01
- TOP1069:http://friend.top1069.com/profile.php?ID=120332
- Yam Social:http://friends.yam.com/personal/personal.aspx?mid=qFlWOEhl